Thursday 28 February 2013

County Windows Installation Video.

In what we hope will be the very first of many short clips for both County Windows, and County Glass, we take you out on the road for a very quick look around an installation we recently undertook as part of an entire remodelling for a customers residence.

The idea is that, over time, we can build a library for our customers that demonstrate many different aspects of the work we do, the products we install, and the people behind the stories.

This is beginning already on our Instagram and across other social media platforms such as our Twitter. We encourage anyone interested in what we do, past, present or future, to branch out on to these sites for a look around - as well as the new website of course.

So here is the first clip, and they are only going to get technically better in terms of edit, steady camera etc.
When a new video is released, we'll announce it here also on Twitter and Facebook so you can take a look.

In the meantime, we look forward to hearing from you in the future.

- The County TEAM.

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